Monday, November 23, 2009


I'm currently working on some doujinshi's to publish and some for the public, now the ones I'll publish will be on sale in my website, and the puclic ones either on my Deviantart account or my website or maybe both, or maybe just my website. Anyway I allready have a page scketched, first doujinshi is about SoundwavexJazz (figures|D),Transforvers Animated, one of the ones I'm publishing is G1 style, now for the second one for the public, I got inspire by KraziFreak over at DA who's kittycon style has stolen my soul >///w///< But I'm going to ask permition and if she has a plot story of them, I allredy have the cover made and credits goes to her. down below there's the scketches XD

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Soundwave mp3

My mom just came by yesterday and droped off my Soundwave mp3 with my earphones wich are Rumble and Freenzy!!!! YAY!!!! I'm so happy right now that I have them!!! 8D yesterday was a good day indeed as for what I'm doing right now well drawing some pronz and other stuff XD

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

oh Soundwave

Yesterday I bought revenge of the fallen!!! and it came with a bumblebee trans forming case!!! how awsome is that!!!! XD

so anyways working on posting stuff in my webpage right now and practicing drawing g1 transformers again TT^TT I should always draw them but I got into other fandoms that I totally forgot about them!!


WARNING there's mechxmech action in the following link! you been warned!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My twin

I just got the idea fron fanfiction, in her fic Bumblebee has an older brother, and Bumblebee was brough online as a weapon. So my "what if..." came to work; what if he had a twin too!!! one to be keep in case Bumblebee fails!!! click read more to see image

Megatron is the FATHER!!!

I drew this on since Starscream has all those clones I just imagine they all are his and Megatrons children XD really if in the episode didn't show that Starscream made them, my fangirl mind would imagine that!!! is so much fun playing with them! ^A^

Monday, October 12, 2009


I have just created this blog!!! I'm going to be posting some artwork that I cant post on glad to be here! ^A^