Monday, November 23, 2009


I'm currently working on some doujinshi's to publish and some for the public, now the ones I'll publish will be on sale in my website, and the puclic ones either on my Deviantart account or my website or maybe both, or maybe just my website. Anyway I allready have a page scketched, first doujinshi is about SoundwavexJazz (figures|D),Transforvers Animated, one of the ones I'm publishing is G1 style, now for the second one for the public, I got inspire by KraziFreak over at DA who's kittycon style has stolen my soul >///w///< But I'm going to ask permition and if she has a plot story of them, I allredy have the cover made and credits goes to her. down below there's the scketches XD

now this is the cover page for Krazis kittycon, I know I still need to ask her if she has a plot story but I couldn't resist!!! XD is just to cute not to drawn, I'm in the 5 layer of scketching and still need to do layers of linework, and then color, as for the tittle I need to ask her too how would she like it, this whole thing will be dedicated for her C: is going to be a public doujinshi for everyone to enjoy,if she accepts first of course XD

This is page one of my TFA SoundwavexJazz doujin, yes I go directly to the interfacing par =//w//= I'm such a perv XD anyway I'm not sure how many pages I'm going to do, this is going to be a public doujinshi, public for everyone to read, as for the one I'm publishing I might put some scketches to show my progress but not every single one. right now I'm going to start on the line work for this one, but I'm not sure if do it in color or black and white

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